About Me Introduction Data Gathering Data Cleaning Exploring Data Clustering ARM and Networking Decision Trees Naive Bayes Support Vector Machine Conclusions


This website is designed as a guide for a Data Science project. The project will act as a guide and demonstration on how machine learning techniques can be used to mine information from data. The project tackles two subjects. The first topic is a smart bike rental company in dublin Ireland and the second topic is commands given to smart home devices such as google nest, Homepods and Alexa. The main objective for the Smart Bikes comapny is to mine valuable information from the data in order to help maintain the fleet of bikes. The main objective for the smart home devices is to help predict what a command is in regards too given a set of words in the command. This predcition could help optimize performance time for such devices. For both of these subjects, both unsupervised and supervised methods will be applied. A list of questions that this project aims to answer are listed below.

  • How are the bikes in the data set distributed through out the city of dublin?

  • Are there specific areas which have more concentration of bikes?

  • What are the peak periods of use?

  • What times should the fleet be recharged?

  • Is it possible to predict the relative battery percentage of a bike?

  • What days are best for recharging the batteries?

  • What words are most commonly used for such devices?

  • What are the most important words used for each part of the home?

  • given a set of commands, can we predict the number of appliances it effects?

  • Is there a relationship between commands given to different appliances?
  • NETID : MZ569